Dr. Yi Wang 【王毅】
Yi Wang obtained his PhD in 2010 from Max-Planck Institute for Polymer Research in Mainz, Germany. After that he worked as a research fellow at Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore from 2011 to 2015. Yi Wang is now a research professor at Wenzhou Medical University (WMU), and Wenzhou Institute, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS). His research interests include the development of plasmonic nanostructure, nanocomposites for optical and electrical biosensors, the development of optical imaging system, and wearable devices. These technologies are developed for the applications on cancer diagnosis, noninvasive detection, and neuron transmitters monitoring. He undertakes a number of national scientific research projects, including the National Key Research and Development Project, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Zhejiang Province Natural Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, Zhejiang Province 1000 Talents Plan, Leading Talent Innovation and Entrepreneurship Project of Wenzhou and so on. He is an assistant editor of Light: Science & Applications (Nature’s group), an editorial board member of Light Scattering. He has published more than 60 international peer-reviewed paper in Nature Communications, Advanced Materials, Advanced Science, Small, Nano Energy, Chemical Science, Analytical Chemistry, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Nanoscale and so on, with H index of 31.
王毅,温州医科大学眼视光学院/医院、中国科学院大学温州研究院,研究员、博士生导师。2010年获德国马普高分子研究所(德国美因茨大学)理学博士学位。先后在奥地利国家技术研究院、新加坡南洋理工大学从事科研工作。于2015年8月回国后,先后受聘于中国科学院大学温州研究院、温州医科大学研究员。近年来主要研究方向为表面等离子体材料、生物和纳米复合材料等在生物化学传感器方面的应用研究,以及可穿戴传感器、光电传感器和成像设备的开发研究。现主持国家重点研发计划项目(课题)、国家自然科学基金、浙江省杰出青年科学基金、浙江省公益、温州市领军型人才创新创业项目等。2017年入选浙江省“千人计划”创新长期,浙江省领军型创新创业团队,浙江省高校中青年学科带头人培养计划,2018年获浙江省杰出青年基金,2020年获浙江省高校领军人才计划。担任Light: Science & Applications(Nature子刊)的助理编辑,《光散射学报》的编委,中国生物材料学会第三届理事会理事,浙江省光学学会第七届常务理事,温州市科协常委、温州市高层次人才联谊会理事等。截止目前在Nature Communications, Advanced Materials, ACS Nano, Advanced Science, Small, Nano Energy, Chemical Science, Analytical Chemistry, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Nanoscale等刊发表SCI论文80余篇,英文著作3部,发明专利18项。
Qingwen Zhang (Research Associate Professor)【张庆文】
Doctor:Beijing Institute of Technology
Qingwen Zhang worked with Prof. Wolfgang Knoll (Austrian academician) at Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) as a visiting scholar from December 2010 to November 2011. Her research interests include the development of wearable biosensors, electrochemical sensors, SPR micro imaging sensors, and preparation of biological and composite nanomaterials for the biochemical sensors. In recent years, she has published more than 20 papers in Advanced Materials, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical and so on. Furthermore, she has applied 14 patents with 2 authorized. She undertakes grants from Public Projects of Wenzhou and a Start-up Funding. As the main participant, she has participated for thirteen projects including National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Key R & D Program of China and Public Projects of Zhejiang Province.
Xiaohu Liu (Research Professor)【刘啸虎】
Doctor:Nanyang Technological University
Xiaohu Liu is a research fellow in School of Ophthalmology & Optometry, Wenzhou Medical University. He worked in Singapore Lab of Arkray as a research scientist after obtaining both of BS and PhD degrees in biology and material sciences from Nanyang Technological University. He then completed his post-doc training at Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University. Dr. Liu’s research involves multidisciplinary studies mainly focusing on the development of optical biosensors based on novel spectroscopic techniques, nano-composites and peptides materials. The projects currently undergoing include nano-chip multispectral fundus camera, opto-biosensing for eye diseases related biomarker, and artificial retina. He has published SCI papers in Advanced Materials, Chemical Science, Analytical Chemistry, ACS Sensors, and Biosensors and Bioelectronics, and led the developments of several products such as Dengue quick-detection kit, water quality on-line monitor, portable pesticide detection device, etc.
Yuancai Ge (Research Assistant Professor)【葛源才】
Doctor:Fudan University
Yuancai Ge is a research assistant in the School of Ophthalmology & Optometry, Wenzhou Medical University. He obtained his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Material Science, Fudan University (2015~2019) in material physics and chemistry. Dr. Ge’s research involves the self-assembling of nanoparticles, chemical vapor deposition assisted the growth of two-dimensional materials, the pseudo-morphology transformation of inorganic materials for application including electrocatalysis, biosensors, and surface-enhanced Raman scattering. He has published SCI papers in Adv. Energy Mater., Nanoscale, and ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng. as first author and other papers in Adv. Mater, Adv. Funct. Mater., etc. And the number of his total citations is 727 with 27 papers.
Ruohua Zhu (Research Assistant Professor)【朱若华】
Doctor:Wuhan University
Ruohua Zhu is a research associate in eye hospital, Wenzhou Medical University. She received the B.E. and Ph.D. degrees in electronic science and technology, microelectronics and solid-state electronics from the School of Physics and Technology, Wuhan University in 2014 and 2019, respectively. After that she worked as a lecturer the School of Physics and Electronics, Henan University from 2019 to 2021. Her research interests involve the memristor’s compact model, memristor-based image processing and machine learning, and deep learning-based histological staining. She has published SCI papers as first author in the IEEE EDL, IEEE TED etc. and finished 1 invention patent with authorized 1 piece. Furthermore, she has presided two scientific research projects, that is the National Natural Science Foundation of China and Kaifeng science and technology project.
Jinmei Yang (Research Assistant Professor) 【杨金梅】
Doctor:Nanjing University
Yang Jinmei worked as a postdoctor in Zhejiang University under the supervision of Prof. Jiandong Feng. Her research interests include the electro-optical nanopore single molecule biological analysis, SERS sensors, mass transfer, and wearable biosensing detection. In recent years, she has published more than 13 high-quality papers in Nature, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Analytical Chemistry, Chemical Communications, etc. and have two authorized patents. Moreover, three papers have been published in Chinese academic journals such as Chinese Science Bulletin, Journal of Synthetic Crystals, and Physics and Engineering. She presided over one China Postdoctoral Science Foundation project and participated in one National Natural Science Foundation of China projects.
Ruyan Zhang(Research Secretary)
Undergraduate: Ningbo Tech University
Main work content:
1.financial reimbursement
2.project declaration
Kaili Zhang (PhD Student)
【张开丽】Year 2020
Undergraduate:Henan University of Science and Technology
major:biomedical engineering (medical electronics and instruments)
Master:Henan University of Science and Technology
Doctor:Changchun University of Science and Technology
major:optical engineering (advanced optical design and new imaging technology)
Yunxiao Zhao (PhD Student)
【赵云霄】Year 2021
Undergraduate:Southwest University for Nationalities
major:Chemical Engineering and technology
Master:Guangxi University for Nationalities
major:Industrial Analysis
Doctor:Wenzhou Medical University
major:Biomedical Engineering
Qihao Li (Master's Student)
【李祺浩】Year 2022
Undergraduate:Hubei Polytechnic University;
major:Communication Engineering
Master:Wenzhou Medical University
major:Electronic Information
Qian Li (Master's Student)
【李倩】Year 2022
Undergraduate:Xiangtan University Xingxiang College;
major:Pharmaceutical Engineering
Master:Wenzhou Medical University
Haiyang Wang (Master's Student)
【王海洋】Year 2022
Undergraduate:Anhui University of Chinese Medicine;
major:Biomedical Engineering
Master:Wenzhou Medical University
major:Electronic Information
Yi Ming (Master's Student)
【易鸣】Year 2022
Undergraduate:Zhengzhou University of Aeronautics;
major:Computer Science and Technology
Master:Wenzhou Medical University
major:Biomedical Engineering
Yujie Liu (Master's Student)
【刘雨洁】Year 2023
Undergraduate:Agricultural University of Hebei;
major:Computer Science and Technology
Master:Wenzhou Medical University
major:Biomedical Engineering
Meng Lu (Master's Student)
【卢梦】Year 2023
Undergraduate:Hangzhou Medical College;
Master:Wenzhou Medical University
Yuxin Liang (Master's Student)
【梁羽欣】Year 2023
Undergraduate:Hangzhou Medical College;
major:Medical Information Engineering
Master:Wenzhou Medical University
major:Biomedical Engineering
Xiaohan Shi (Master's Student)
【史晓涵】Year 2023
Undergraduate:Zhejiang University of Science and Technology;
major:Electronic Information Engineering
Master:Wenzhou Medical University
major:Biomedical Engineering
Mengchao Fan (Master's Student)
【范梦超】Year 2023
Undergraduate:Zhongyuan Institute of Science and Technology;
major:Interenet of Things Engineering
Master:Wenzhou Medical University
major:Biomedical Engineering
Jingwen Chen (Master's Student)
【陈镜文】Year 2024
Undergraduate:Wenzhou Medical University;
major:Biomedical Engineering
Master:Wenzhou Medical University
major:Biomedical Engineering
Heng Dong (Master's Student)
【董恒】Year 2024
Undergraduate:Hubei University of Technology;
major:Computer Science and Technology
Master:Wenzhou Medical University
major:Biomedical Engineering
Kangjian Qu (Master's Student)
【曲康健】Year 2024
Undergraduate:Shandong Vocational and Technical University of International Studies;
major:software engineering
Master:Wenzhou Medical University
major:Biomedical Engineering
Pengxuan Zhang (Master's Student)
【张鹏轩】Year 2024
Undergraduate:Wenzhou Medical University Renji College;
major:Traditional Chinese Pharmacology
Master:Wenzhou Medical University
Tingting Geng (Master's Student)
【耿婷婷】Year 2024
Undergraduate:Henan University of Chinese Medicine;
major:Clinical Medicine
Master:Wenzhou Medical University
Danfeng Jiang (Research Assistant Professor)【姜丹锋】(2019.7.31-2023.3.31)
Doctor:Nanjing Tech University
Danfeng Jiang received his Ph.D. degree in chemical engineering from the Department of Chemical Engineering, Nanjing Tech University, China in 2019. Now, he is now a research assistant professor at Wenzhou Institute, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research mainly focuses on the development of nanomaterials and the application in electrochemical sensors. Recently, he has published 15 papers in Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Electrochimica Acta and Journal of Materials Chemistry B. Moreover, he has applied 2 invention patents with 1 authorized. He has presided one Public Projects of Wenzhou.
Shengying Cai (Postdoctor)【蔡盛赢】(2020.10-2022.9)
Doctor:Zhejiang University
Shengying Cai is a post doctor in Wenzhou Institute, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. He obtained the BS degree in Zhejiang Sci-tech University, and then got his PhD. degree in Zhejiang University. Dr. Cai’s research involves aqueous electrolytes, electrochemical energy storages, and biosensors. The projects currently undergoing is wearable and noninvasive glucose detection. He has published SCI papers in Journal of Materials Chemistry, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, Polymer Chemistry, etc.
Ruolan Zheng(Research Assistant)
Undergraduate: Zhejiang Ocean University
Main work content:
1.website operation management
2.promotion of scientific research achievements
Xueqian Ren (Master's Student)
【任学倩】Year 2018 (2018.09-2022.01)
Undergraduate:Chongqing Medical University
major:medical laboratory technology
Master:Wenzhou Medical University
major:biomedical engineering
Changshun Xu (Master's Student)
【徐长顺】Year 2018
Undergraduate:Zhengzhou University
major:preventive medicine
Master:Wenzhou Medical University
major:biomedical engineering
after: PhD at Suzhou Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, CAS
Liping Huang (Master's Student)
【黄礼平】Year 2018
Undergraduate:Ningbo University
major:marine pharmacy
Master:Wenzhou Medical University
major:biomedical engineering
after: PhD at Westlake University, with Prof. Chen Hongyu
Yu Cai (Master's Student)
【蔡宇】Year 2019
Undergraduate:Xuzhou University of Technology
major:environmental engineering
Master:Wenzhou Medical University
major:biomedical engineering
Ying Ye (Master's Student)
【叶颖】Year 2019
Undergraduate:Wenzhou Medical University
major:biomedical engineering
Master:Wenzhou Medical University
major:biomedical engineering
Kang Li (Master's Student)
【李康】Year 2019
Undergraduate:University of South China
Master:Wenzhou Medical University
major:biomedical engineering
Yang Li (Master's Student)
【李阳】Year 2019
Undergraduate:Anhui Medical University
major:biomedical engineering
Master:Wenzhou Medical University
major:biomedical engineering
Ruifeng Xie (Master's Student)
【解瑞锋】Year 2019
Undergraduate:Changchun University of Science and Technology
major:optical engineering
Master:Changchun University of Science and Technology
major:optical engineering
Meiling Yuan (Master's Student)
【袁美玲】Year 2020
Undergraduate:Jinggangshan University
major:biomedical engineering
Master:Wenzhou Medical University
major:biomedical engineering
Wenjing Zhou (Master's Student)
【周文静】Year 2020
Undergraduate:Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
major:electronic information
Master:Wenzhou Medical University
major:biomedical engineering
Ying Yang (Master's Student)
【杨莹】Year 2020
Undergraduate:Kunming University of Science and Technology
major:electronic information
Master:Wenzhou Medical University
major:biomedical engineering
Yajie Zhu (Master's Student)
【朱雅洁】Year 2020
Undergraduate:Jinling Institute of Technology
major:materials science and engineering
Master:Wenzhou Medical University
major:biomedical engineering
Liangbin Sun (Master's Student)
【孙良彬】Year 2020
Undergraduate:China Jiliang University
major:biomedical engineering
Master:Wenzhou Medical University
major:biomedical engineering
Xiangjun Huang (Master's Student)
【黄向军】Year 2020
Undergraduate:Guangxi Medical University
major:biomedical engineering
Master:Wenzhou Medical University
major:biomedical engineering
Zhe Sun (Master's Student)
【孙哲】Year 2021
Undergraduate:Shangdong First Medical University
major:biomedical engineering
Master:Wenzhou Medical University
major:electronic information
Chen Yuzhe (Master's Student)
【陈渝浙】Year 2021
Undergraduate:Ningbo University
major:applied chemistry
Master:Wenzhou Medical University
major:electronic information
HaiYang He (Master's Student)
【何海洋】Year 2021
Undergraduate:Hubei Polytechnic University
major:Communication Engineering
Master:Wenzhou Medical University
major:electronic information
Qian He (Master's Student)
【何茜】Year 2021
Undergraduate:Hebei University
major:medical imaging technology
Master:Wenzhou Medical University
major:biomedical engineering
XiHuang (Master's Student)
【黄熙】Year 2021
Undergraduate:Hubei University of Science and Technology;
major:medical engineering
Master:Wenzhou Medical University
major:electronic information
Shengdong Ran (Master's Student)
【冉晟东】Year 2021
Undergraduate:Chongqing Medical University;
major:medical laboratory technology
Master:Wenzhou Medical University
major:biomedical engineering
Shanshan Wang (Master's Student)
【王珊珊】Year 2021
Undergraduate:Heze University;
major:Biological Pharmacy
Master:Wenzhou Medical University
major:biomedical engineering
Zhelei Zhu (Master's Student)
【朱哲磊】Year 2021
Undergraduate:Tongji Zhejiang College;
major:Electrical Engineering and Automation
Master:Wenzhou Medical University
major:Electronic Information
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