2. 海内外高水平大学应届博士研究生,且本、硕均为海内外高水平大学毕业,具有良好的学术基础和成长潜力的优秀博士研究生。年龄不超过35岁。
主办单位为正式受邀参会学者统一安排论坛期间食宿,并提供国际往返Travel Grant,国内往返按实际给予补贴。
温州医科大学 全国首批教育部、国家卫生健康委和浙江省人民政府共建高校,浙江省重点建设高校,具有临床医学、生物医学工程、基础医学、药学等一级学科博士学位授予点。学校拥有1个国家工程技术研究中心,1个国家重点实验室和15个省部级重点实验室(研究中心)。学校进入ESI排名前0.3%(全国百强),临床医学全球ESI排名前0.23%,化学、药理学和毒理学进入全球ESI排名前1%。学校目前拥有5家直管医院和19家非直管医院。温医大附属第一医院创建于1919年,是浙江省首批通过三甲医院评审的四家综合性医院之一,2017年医院的综合实力位列中国顶级医院百强榜第66位、浙江省前三;位居中国医院科技影响力排行榜(综合)第79名。温医大附属第二医院始建于1976年,设有5个院区,儿科、骨外科学等6个学科进入中国医院科技影响力排行榜前50位,20个学科进入前100位。温医大附属口腔医院是浙南地区首家集口腔及颌面部疾病诊治、预防、保健和社会服务于一体的规模最大的省级公立口腔专科医院。
温州浙南科技城 位于沿江城市拓展轴和沿海功能联系轴的交叉点,规划面积约28平方公里,区位优势突出,交通四通八达。科技城建有国家级科技企业孵化器、温州海创园、浙南•云谷等一批创新创业集聚平台,集聚了中科院温州生材所等一批高端研发平台,创成了温州产业园,创新潜力巨大,是国家自主创新示范区的“金名片”。
温州医科大学附属眼视光医院 全国唯一一家同时建有国家工程技术研究中心和国家重点实验室的眼科机构。分设眼视光学21个亚专科,科学研究涵盖基础、临床、工程、转化研究等。医院位列眼科专科“中国医院最佳专科声誉排行榜”第一方阵,“中国医院科技影响力排行榜”学术影响力第一,“自然指数排行榜”中国眼科医院第一,已形成国家万人计划等学科带头人领衔的科研团队。
中国科学院温州生物材料与工程研究所 由中国科学院、浙江省人民政府与温州市人民政府共同建设,依托中国科学院宁波工业技术研究院和温州医科大学具体承建。温州生物材料与工程研究所作为中科院布局在浙江省首家的医药健康领域研究所,以生物材料、创新药物、医疗器械的工程技术研究和转化为主要任务,目标是建成具有国际影响力的高水平科研平台、人才高地和健康产业孵化器。研究所还与温州医科大学共建生物医学工程一级学科博士点、硕士点。
2018 Wenzhou International Youth Conference
on Medicine and Health
1st Round Announcement
Co-Hosts: Wenzhou Medical University
Wenzhou Zhenan Technology Town
Date: August 15-18, 2018
I. Conference Brief
Co-hosted by Wenzhou Medical University and Wenzhou Zhenan Technology Town, and organized by The Eye Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University, School of Biomedical Engineering, and Wenzhou Institute of Biomaterials and Engineering (Chinese Academy of Sciences), Wenzhou International Youth Conference on Medicine and Health serves as a best platform for internationally renowned professionals and young scholars to present academic reports, conduct seminars and exchange ideas on science advancements, popular research fields and industry insights. The Conference will be an inspiring experience for multidisciplinary innovation, academic exchanges, research collaboration and talent networking.
II. Disciplines
The Conference spans multiple highly dynamic disciplines and draws applicants from a diverse set of backgrounds, including medical science and life science related disciplines, emerging interdisciplinary basic research, frontier research and transformation research, etc.
1 .Medical Science: Clinical Science, Ophthalmology, Optometric Medicine, Basic Medicine, Pharmacy, Public Health and Preventive Medicine, etc.
2. Science: Biology, Physics, Optics, Chemistry and Mathematics etc.
3. Engineering: Optical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Electronic Science and Technology, Information and Communication Engineering, Computer Science and Technology, Environmental Science and Engineering, Mechanics, etc.
III. Application Conditions
1. Applicants should be: holders of a doctoral degree from a high-level university with more than 3 years of clinical or research experience; have demonstrated academic achievements or academic potential in their respective research fields; under the age of 45; age requirement is not fixed for extremely outstanding experts.
2. Applicants should be: excellent fresh PhD graduates from a high-level university with bachelor and master’s degrees from the same level universities; have demonstrated excellent academic capability and great potential; under the age of 35.
Overseas applicants intend to seek full-time employment in China soon or have conducted in-depth collaborations with related domestic institutions are preferred.
IV. Application Process
1. Applications are now open. Deadline: July 18th, 2018.
2. Please fill in the Application Form, and send the Form together with your CV to:zhangyuan0326@foxmail.com.
3. The Organizing Team will review the application and send out official invitation letters before July 25th.
V. Date and Venue
The Conference will be held from August 15-18, 2018 in Wenzhou, China.
VI. Travel and Accommodation Arrangements
During the Conference, meals and accommodation will be arranged by the organizers and travel grants will be provided.
VII. Contact Information
Natalie Office: +86-0577-88068887 E-mail:zhangyuan0326@foxmail.com
Mr. Fu Office: +86-0577-88075571 E-mail: wenjie022@126.com
Mr. Cao Office: +86-0577-88017508 E -mail:caoshi@wibe.ac.cn
VIII. Introductions
Wenzhou Medical University, one of the first universities co-developed by the Ministry of Education, National Health Commission and Zhejiang Provincial Government, is the Key Development University in Zhejiang Province. Today, WMU features 4 Category A Discipline Programs (PhD): Clinical Medicine, Biomedical Engineering, Basic Medicine and Pharmacy. It is home to 1 National Key Laboratory and 15 Provincial or Ministerial Level Key Laboratories/Research Centers. Notably, WMU ranks top 0.3% in ESI, with Clinical Medicine ranking top 0.23% and Chemistry, Pharmacology and Toxicology ranking top 1%. WMU boasts 5 directly affiliated hospitals and 19 non-directly affiliated hospitals. The First Affiliated Hospitalis built in 1919, and is one the first 4 tertiary general hospitals in the province. In 2017, it ranked 66th in Comprehensive Performance and 79th in Science Impact among top general hospitals in China. The Second Affiliated Hospital, founded in 1976, boasts 5 campuses. Today, 20 disciplines rank top 100 in Science Impact among best hospital in China, 6 of which, including Pediatrics and Orthopedics, are among the top 50. The Affiliated Hospital of Stomatology is the first and largest provincial level public specialty hospital that provides social health care service of prevention and control of oral and maxillofacial diseases.
Located at the intersection of the Key Riverside and Coastal City Development Zones in China,Wenzhou Zhenan Technology Town covers a planning area of about 28 km². It enjoys outstanding geographical advantages and extensive transportation connections. It is home to a number of innovative and entrepreneurship platforms including the National Technology Enterprise Incubator, and Wenzhou Overseas High-Level Talents Innovation Park. The Town has gathered a few high-end R&D platforms like Wenzhou Institute of Biomaterials & Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences; and has built a Talent Park with 61 national and provincial level top talents.
The Eye Hospital of Wenzhou Medical Univeristy is the one and only Eye Institute in China that boasts both a National Engineering Technology Research Center and a State Key Laboratory. It has 21 clinical sub-specialties with a broad science coverage of basic, clinical, engineering and translational research. Today, the Hospital is one of the tops in National Best Specialty Hospitals Reputation Ranking, No.1 in academic impact in China’s Most InfluentialMedical Institutions Ranking (Ophthalmology) and has held the highest position in Nature Index’s ranking among eye hospitals. Over the years, the Hospital has built a number of well-developed research teams led by major national and provincial top experts.
Wenzhou Institute of Biomaterials and Engineering (WIBE) is jointly established by Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS), Zhejiang Provincial Government and Wenzhou Municipal Government, and developed by Ningbo Institute of Industrial Technology of Chinese Academy of Sciences((CNITECH) and Wenzhou Medical University. As the first institute of medicine and health under CAS in Zhejiang, WIBE is dedicated to the development of research and translation of engineering technologies in biomaterials, as well as innovation of new drugs and medical devices. It aims to foster a high-level research platform, a talent hub and a health industry incubator with profound international impact. In terms of education, the Institute and Wenzhou Medical University jointly built the Category A Discipline Program (Master and PhD) in Biomedical Engineering.
Application Form for Wenzhou International Youth Conference.doc