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报告题目:Band Structure Engineering and Doping Control in Transparent Conducting Materials

报告时间:2024 年9月23日(周一) 下午15:00


报告人:魏苏淮 教授

邀请人:郑益峰 副研究员

简介:魏苏淮教授现任宁波东方理工大学讲席教授、物理学院院长,国家重点专项首席科学家,国家基金委重大项目负责人,美国物理学会会士(APS Fellow),国际材料学会会士(MRS Fellow)。1981年本科毕业于复旦大学并通过CUSPEA项目去美国留学,1985年在美国威廉玛丽学院取得理学博士学位,1985年-2015年在美国可再生能源国家实验室(NREL)工作,2015年回国前担任NREL理论研究室主任,实验室Fellow,2015年-2024年6月任北京计算科学研究中心讲席教授、材料与能源研究部主任。在半导体能带理论、缺陷与合金物理、能源与光电材料设计、计算方法等方面取得了系统的原创性成果。已发表Nature·子刊,Science 子刊等SCI论文600余篇,包括70多篇PRL和180多篇PRB。论文引用大于78000多次,H因子137。
报告摘要:Transparent conducting materials (TCMs) are widely used in optoelectronic devices, including solar cells, touch screens and smart windows. TCMs combine two seemingly contradicting properties, i.e., high electrical conductivity and high visible light optical transmission and the origin of their unusual physical properties remains inadequately understood. In this presentation, I will provide a brief overview of our current understanding on the TCMs and discuss our recent advancements in band structure engineering and doping control within TCMs. Specifically, I will discuss (i) the fundamental band structures and defect properties of conventional TCMs; (ii) strategies aimed at concurrently enhancing optical transparency and conductivity in n-type TCMs; and (iii) explorations and challenges associated with achieving p-type TCMs or even bipolarly dopable TCMs.

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