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报告题目:Therapeutic Efficacy of Plasmalogens for Alzheimer's Disease, Mild Cognitive Impairment, and Parkinson's Disease in Conjunction with a New Hypothesis for the Etiology of Alzheimer's Disease



报告人:Takehiko Fujino  教授

邀请人:邓瑜如  研究员

简介:Takehiko Fujino(藤野武彦), MD, PhD。九州大学名誉教授、BOOCS医疗集团董事、食品流变功能研究所所长、国际缩醛磷脂协会副主席、日本缩醛磷脂学会副会长。藤野教授1938年出生于日本福冈。1964年九州大学毕业后, 先后任医学部医学生物系统科学系高级讲师、副教授,2000年任九州大学健康科学中心教授。他原本专攻内科心脏病学,但现在致力于整合医学,特别是大脑与其他器官的相互关系。30年前他提出了脑疲劳的新概念及其消除方法——BOOCS(Brain-Oriented Oneself-Care System), 主张代谢综合征、抑郁症、痴呆等多种疾病可能是由脑疲劳引起的,因此可以治疗脑疲劳,可以通过练习BOOCS方法来改善。 近期,他揭示了大脑疲劳,尤其是阿尔茨海默病(AD),是缩醛磷脂减少的一种状态,服用缩醛磷脂可以有效治疗和预防该疾病。他提出了一个新的假说:AD和其他神经精神疾病的发生是由于是缩醛磷脂减少导致神经炎症或是缩醛磷脂减少诱发神经炎症的结果。

摘要:It has been reported recently that blood levels of plasmalogens (Pls) are decreased in various diseases. However, there are no any clinical trials to examine the effects of Pls on those diseases. I would present our recent study on a therapeutic efficacy of orally administered Pls in mild cognitive impairment (MCI), mild to severe Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Parkinson’s disease (PD). A 24-week, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was performed in patients with MCI (n=178) and mild AD (n=98). The study design for moderate AD (n=57) and severe AD (n=18) was 12-week open-labeled, and design for PD (n=10) was 24-week open-labeled. The data showed significant improvements in cognitive function and other clinical symptoms with elevation of blood Pls levels. No adverse events were reported. The baseline levels of plasma ethanolamine plasmalogen (pPE) and erythrocyte pPE in MCI, AD, and PD were significantly lower than those of normal aged. The degree of reduction in blood Pls levels was in the order of MCI≺mild AD≺moderate AD≺severe AD≺PD. The findings suggest that Pls blood levels may be a beneficial biomarker for assessing AD severity. We thus further proposed a new hypothesis for the etiology of AD and other neuropsychiatric disorders.

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