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报告题目:Cavity methods in spin glasses and practical applications

报告时间:1月 11日 03:00 PM

ZOOM Meeting ID:  85986490423   Passcode: 888888

报告人:Erik Aurell   教授

邀请人:叶方富 研究员  廖沁怡 博士

简历:Erik Aurell教授现任瑞典皇家理工大学生物物理系首席教授,曾出任芬兰杰出教授、巴黎高等物理化工学院Joliot讲席教授、中国科学院客座教授。Aurell教授长期致力于非线性科学、生物信息学、非平衡统计物理等方向的研究,截至目前已发表论文三百余篇,H-index为38,是相关领域的国际知名学者。通过发展和应用统计物理的理论方法,Aurell教授及其合作者在组合优化问题、基因序列共演化等实际问题中取得了系列重要成果。

摘要The cavity method, also known as Belief Propagation, has emerged as a versatile and powerful technique to compute properties of marginals of Gibbs-Boltzmann distributions. It has many applications outside of physics and plays a central role in understanding spin glasses on random graphs. In this talk, I will review the cavity method and describe some of its most important (or famous) applications. I will then consider the formal extension to distributions that are not Gibbs-Boltzmann, in particular to the probability distributions of spin histories in a spin system evolving in time. I will describe the attempts by us and others to apply the cavity method to these cases, an approach known as "dynamic cavity", and describe some results in this direction.

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