报告题目: Simple system, complex behavior: self-organization of anisotropic soft matter systems at the mesoscopic scale
报告人: 赵坤 教授 -- 电子科技大学
邀请人:土井正男 研究员, 好村滋行 研究员
简历:Kun Zhao,Professor of University of ElectronicScience and Technology of China. Dr. Zhao got his bachelorand master degree at Peking University, and Ph.D. degree inPhysics at Princeton University. His research interests lie atthe interface between soft matter and biomedical engineering.
摘要:Anisotropic soft matter systems,including syntheticcolloidal dispersions and microbial systems, are oftencomposed of relatively simple building blocks but displayextremely rich and complex behavior. Therefore, they havebecome a hot research topic in the field of soft matter inrecent years. In this talk, I will briefly review what we havebeen working on this topic, which mainly focus on the self-organization of anisotropic soft matter systems. In the firsthalf of the talk, using thermal anisotropic colloidal systems asa model, I will discuss our recent progress on understandingthe relationship between the shape of anisotropic colloidsand their self-organized structures. In the second half, as anexample to illustrate the dynamics of self-organization, I willtalk about our studies on bacterial behavior.