报告题目:The Molecular Mechanisms of the Mechanosensing at Cell Adhesions
报告人:乐世敏 副教授
邀请人:陈虎 研究员
简历:乐世敏,厦门大学物理系副教授。 2010年本科毕业于厦门大学物理系,2015年博士毕业于新加坡国立大学力学生物学研究所。2016-2021年于新加坡国立大学物理系从事博士后研究。2022年04月入职厦门大学物理系。乐世敏博士长期从事单分子力学操控、单分子力学生物学等物理与生物学的前沿交叉方向。已发表第一(共同第一)作者、通讯(共同通讯)作者文章20余篇,包括:Science Advances, Angewandte Chemie, Nature Communications, Physical Review X, Nucleic Acids Research 等。乐世敏博士的长期研究兴趣是探究细胞力敏感蛋白的力学调控机制。
摘要:Cells contact and sense the extracellular environment through the formation of focal adhesions (FAs) with the extracellular matrix (ECM). They can also communicate with neighboring cells through the formation of cell-cell adhesions, such as adherens junctions (AJs). These physicochemical cell-matrix or cell-cell communications are mainly carried out through physical linkages of mechanosensitive proteins enriched at these adhesion sites, such as talin, vinculin at FAs, and -catenin and vinculin at AJs. How these proteins sense and response to the mechanical forces within a physiological level are the fundamental questions of the cell mechanotransduction. We have developed and/or utilized multiple scale mechanical manipulation technologies, including single-molecule manipulation, single-filament manipulation, single-cell manipulations technologies, to probe the mechano-chemical responses of the critical mechanosensitive proteins, and unveil the molecular mechanisms of the mechanosensing at cell adhesions.